Saturday, May 16, 2009

Digital Design Den shoppe is now open

At last we have 'ironed out the creases' with revamping our shoppe at Digital Design Den. All prices in the shoppe have been marked down 25% for the opening.

Watch for our first newsletter coming out next week sometime. THERE WILL BE SOME GOODIES! If you haven't done so already, hop on over to the shoppe and sign up for our newsletter. No need to do so if you were signed up previously.

Keep an eye on our designers' blog sites as well. You can find links to their blogs on this page.

The designers have got together and created this BEAUTIFUL spring kit and it is FREE with any purchase over $10. Make sure that you put it in your basket before you reach the checkout!



Unknown said...

This is very exciting news and I'm very happy that the Digital Design Den shoppe is now open. I'll wait until the Jump Into Spring kit is in the shoppe before I make my purchases.

KimR. said...

WOOHOO, this is wonderful news!